Saturn fell to her knees. She felt her powers being used. Jupiter and Venus got scared. "Liz!" cried Venus.
"She's using.. my.. powers!" she managed to get out between gasps of air. "We have to-stop-her!"
Jupiter helped Saturn to her feet. "I'm sorry, but I have to do this." Jupiter threw Saturn over her shoulders and ran toward the throne room, using Venus' directions.
Sulite smiled as she heard Allure, Dritoite and Crisite stop before her. "Our time has come. Time to go to Earth and beat up on the defenseless scouts."
With that, all of them vanished.
All of the remaining scouts and Darien were in the park after seeing a black hole/portal start to open. In the ten minutes that it took them to get there, it was three times its starting size. "Sulite won," whispered Earth.
Then, Pluto showed up from out of thin air. She smiled at the other scouts. "Not yet, Earth."
Earth then sucker-punched Pluto in the face. Pluto fell instantly. But Earth was held back by Uranus and Mars. "Let go!"
Pluto got up and felt the corner of her mouth. It was cut and bleeding. "Nice to see you too." Her calm voice was icy, almost even.
"I know, Pluto," said Earth, eyes glossy.
"Huh? Know what?" asked Serena.
"Yeah, we're all in the dark here," added Darien.
"I don't know what..."
"Charon *told* me, Pluto." Earth gave her a glare that she couldn't ignore.
Pluto was shocked but recovered and stared at Charon. "How?"
"I'm your sister. I have my own ways of getting answers."
But before Pluto could ask anything else, Dritoite, Crisite and Allure arrived. Dark energy crackled around them as Sulite laughed from the sky. "Really Sailor Failures, if you wanted to argue, you should've done it ages ago. Generals...destroy them all!" Sulite watched as her generals attacked the scouts.
Neptune and Uranus were the first to fight back. "NEPTUNE WATERFALL SPLASH!" "URANUS TORNADO BREAK!" Unfortunately, Dritoite sent their powers back at them, rendering them unconscious.
Mercury decided to buy everyone time. "MERCURY BUBBLES BLAST!" Her bubbles created a thick fog to help the scouts attack. But before she could help attack, Crisite appeared quickly in her face and grabbed her face with his hand. He lifted her up and sent Nega-energy through her body, causing her to scream and shake uncontrollably.
Earth came to her rescue- sort of. She kicked Crisite somewhere bad and he dropped Mercury. As Earth helped Mercury to her feet, Crisite pulled tentacles out of the ground and threw them around the two scouts. Earth and Mercury were bound tightly. They were trapped.
Mercury's power cleared a bit and Mars decided to roast the Negaverse generals. "MARS FIREBIRD STRIKE!" she called. Her firebird flew toward Allure.
Of course, Allure was ready. She put up a barrier of dark energy and reflected the bird back at Mars with incredible speed. The firebird slammed into Mars, almost roasting her costume, as she lay motionless on the ground.
Mercury's power cleared completely and Tuxedo Mask, Sailor Moon, Sailor Pluto, Sailor Charon, Luna and Atremis were the only ones left. Sulite chose that time to appear in the flesh. "Ah, Pluto. How nice to see you again. The last encounter left so much undone."
"I saved Saturn. That was all I planned to do." Pluto was ready for this fight. She wanted Sulite. Even though the Mistress of Time was not to interfere with the timeline, she was the reason that Saturn was captured and she lost the respect of Earth, Saturn and her sister. She wanted revenge.
"Well then. I better gather more of Saturn's energy." Sulite closed her eyes, ready to take more of Saturn's stolen power.
Unknown to Sulite, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn were in the throne room, and they found Saturn's stolen energy. Jupiter put Saturn down on her feet. "How'd we break it?" asked Jupiter.
"Combine our powers. But it'll send us to where Sulite is at," said Saturn. She looked tired and pale. "Ready, Venus?"
"You bet! I want Allure!" Venus, Jupiter and Saturn formed a circle around the sphere, joining hands. Each scout glowed a powerful aura: Jupiter's being green, Venus' being orange and Saturn's being golden yellow. "VENUS STAR POWER!"
"SAILOR PLANET POWER!" Their power auras grew beyond them and shattered the sphere instantly. (Boy, Sulite should have gotten a warranty on that sphere, huh?) All of its power returned to Saturn as she grew stronger. Its remaining power sent them in a flash to the park.
Sulite screamed and held her head as she felt her sphere explode. "NOOOOOOOOOO!" she screamed. Her generals went to her side.
"What got her so angry?" asked Charon but she got her answer a second later as Sailors Jupiter, Venus and Saturn appeared next to them.
"Did we miss anything?" asked Sailor Venus. Her answer was a hug from Sailor Moon. "I'm really sorry, guys. But if it wasn't for Saturn's words and her weapons, I would still be fighting you."
"Enough of this!" yelled Sulite as she regained her composure. "Pluto, shall we finish this?"
"No! I'm fighting you, Sulite!" and before anyone could object, Charon tackled Sulite away from her generals.
"All out war!" cried Saturn as she took on Dritoite with Sailor Moon. Pluto and Jupiter took on Crisite and Luna, Artemis and Venus had Allure. Tuxedo Mask went over to the fallen scouts. This war was going to need everyone.
"VENUS! METEOR SHOWER!" Venus' power slammed into Allure as tried to get away. Allure was thrown into a tree. "End of the line!"
Allure was waiting for Venus to get closer...she made an ice pick and threw it at Venus.
Venus didn't see it in time and it cut through Venus' shoulder. Crying out, she held her shoulder with her other hand as Allure leaped down close to her.
Pluto smiled calmly as Jupiter kept Crisite busy with her lightning bolts. She aimed her staff at Crisite. PLUTO!...CYCLONE...THRUST!" A huge cyclone of blood-red wind ripped into Crisite, weakening him.
Jupiter smiled at Pluto. "Wow! You have awesome powers!"
"Thanks. Now, let's finish him!"
Dritoite aimed his sword at Saturn and Sailor Moon. "DARK SWORD RUPTURE BOLTS!" Small, dart-like spikes flew from the sword at them.
Saturn and Sailor Moon dropped to the ground as they whizzed by them and hit several trees behind them. The scouts got back to their feet. "Okay, Dritoite! Time to feel my wrath!" said Saturn angrily. She closed her eyes and outside in space, the Moon glowed golden yellow. The lost, floating energy of the Moon pooled itself together in a tight beam and threw itself toward Earth and Saturn. Saturn felt the beam hit her but was unfazed by it. She opened her eyes and saw Dritoite step back. Her eyes glowed darkly as she was filled with the Moon energy.
Dritoite took two more steps back and was trapped by Sailor Moon as she held him in place. "Get off me, Moon brat!"
"Get 'em!" cried Sailor Moon.
Sailor Saturn nodded and smiled. "End of the line! SATURN!...SOLAR MOON SHOT!" She clapped her hands together and the beam of the Moon rushed out of her hands, hitting both Sailor Moon and Dritoite with great force.
The smoke cleared seconds later and Sailor Moon was the only one standing, unharmed. All that was left of Dritoite was dust. Sailor Moon looked almost horrifically at Saturn. "How..?" she whispered.
"I'm the other Moon Princess, remember? I can call on the hidden Moon energy." She then smiled. "But I moondusted him, right?"
Sailor Moon laughed. "Yeah. You sure did!"
Charon and Sulite were going head-to-head with huge amounts of power. But neither one was gaining the upper hand.
"Give it up, little girl," taunted Sulite. "You try to be like your sister but in reality, you're a weak baby!"
Charon was angry. She launched her entire body at Sulite, hoping to take her out. But Sulite had other plans. She closed her eyes and put up a resonance barrier. Charon didn't see it and she ran head-first into it, knocking her silly. Sulite then produced a dagger and was ready to finish her off.
Saturn threw herself into her and they both crashed to the ground. Sulite got the upper hand quickly and was on top of Saturn, holding her wrists down tightly. Saturn tried to get up but she was still winded after the fall. She squirmed relentlessly.
"You're not getting away this time, Saturn." A dark aura was being emitted from Sulite's body. It tore through Saturn's body, ripping it slowly and quite painfully. Saturn screamed and tried to break free but she accidentally knocked her Star Scepter away from her. Sulite smiled cruelly and kicked it away from her.
Uranus and Neptune were the first to come to. They sat up at the same time and looked at each other, then at Darien. "What happened?" asked Neptune.
"You guys got knocked out and the others are fighting." He was ready to say something else but was interrupted by Saturn's scream. The three of them were on their feet.
"Saturn!" cried Uranus and without an exchange of words, her and Neptune ran to help.
Pluto and Jupiter smiled as Crisite got to his feet. "Time to go, Crisite," said Pluto, readying her staff. "PLUTO..."
Jupiter was ready to fry him with her dragon. "JUPITER...THUNDER..."
Pluto aimed her staff at Crisite. "CYCLONE...THRUST!"
"DRAGON!" yelled Jupiter.
Both powers vaporized Crisite.
Allure looked up and leaped away from Venus. "You scouts aren't getting me! LIZZARDO! Get rid of them!" she cried.
Out of a vortex came a monster about six feet tall and looked just like an overgrown lizard. It looked at the remaining unconscious scouts and went right for them.
Tuxedo Mask had to think fast and threw a bunch of his roses at the monster. But they just made it mad!
"JUPITER THUNDER DRAGON!" cried Sailor Jupiter as she and Pluto came to the rescue. Lizzardo decided to go after them instead.
Their combined powers threw Sulite off of Saturn and managed to put some distance between them. Saturn curled up into a tight ball, fighting the pain that threatened to send her into unconsciousness.
Neptune touched Saturn softly and the girl flinched. "SAILOR MOON!" screamed Neptune.
Sailor Moon was there in a second. "What? Saturn?! What's wrong with her!?" she asked.
"She's hurt. Sulite hurt her. We need you to heal her," said Neptune.
Sailor Moon pulled out her Moon Wand. She aimed it at her cousin. But Uranus held her arm back. "No! Don't! What about those memories?"
"It's not fair that she can't have them," said Neptune. "Do it, Sailor Moon."
Nodding, Sailor Moon whispered, "Moon Healing... Activation..."
A glow washed over Saturn and she relaxed a bit. But she was shaking. Sailor Moon pulled Saturn onto her lap. "Liz," she whispered. "It's okay. She's gone."
"Hurt..." her cousin whispered back.
"Uncurl yourself. I can hold you better."
Saturn uncurled herself and Sailor Moon held her close. "It's okay. It's over."
Sulite got back up. "That's what you think!" She sent a funnel of darkness at them.
Neptune and Uranus threw themselves on top of Saturn and Sailor Moon as it came at them.
Charon came to and heard the screaming from Saturn and several others. She looked up and saw Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Sailor Moon sucked into a funnel of pure darkness. She got up and saw the Star Scepter near her. She picked it up and was greeted by Venus. "VENUS!?" she said in shock.
"Yeah, I'm back!" She looked at the funnel. "How'd we get them out?"
"I'm not sure." Charon stared at the Star Scepter. 'Maybe...' she thought to herself.
"HEADS UP!" yelled Pluto and both Charon and Venus ducked as Lizzardo tried to sever their heads with his sharp, scaly tail. He roared in anger when he missed. Pluto and Jupiter stood next to Charon and Venus. "Welcome back, Venus."
"Thanks," she said, getting to her feet.
Charon joined her. "How'd we beat scaly over there and save the princesses?"
Tuxedo Mask, Mars, Mercury and Earth joined them. "Now what?" asked Mars.
A plan was forming in Charon's mind. "Everyone, just keep it busy! I got an idea!" And before anyone could stop her, she ran to the edge of the funnel.
"Okay! You heard Charon! EARTH...SPIRIT...BOMB!" Earth threw her energy ball at Lizzardo. It screeched in agony.
All of these attacks, combined with Tuxedo's roses, rammed Lizzardo like a monster truck competition. But he was barely harmed by the combined attacks. He bellowed hungrily and his tail wrapped around Pluto. He yanked her from the others.
"PLUTO!?" they cried.
She struggled endlessly to get loose as Lizzado's mouth watered for her.
Allure appeared in the open again and laughed. "My Lizzardo is unstoppable! You can't stop him!" She then vanished again.
Sulite was in her throne room with a duffel bag flung over her shoulders. "Well! My time's up! Time to go back! I wonder what mom and dad will say when I tell them this!" She closed her eyes and she vanished with a pop and a sliding noise, as if she never belonged to that time at all.
Neptune managed to grab Uranus' arm and Uranus pulled her next to her body. They tried to grab Saturn and Sailor Moon but they missed them by mere inches. "Sailor Moon! Sailor Saturn! Try to grab each other!" yelled Uranus.
Sailor Moon did try to catch her cousin but each time she tried, Saturn wouldn't take her hand. She was staring at the base of the funnel. "SATURN!" yelled Sailor Moon. "WHAT'S WRONG!?"
Saturn could see Charon holding her Star Scepter at the base of the funnel. But she couldn't send it in unless she told Charon to. 'Charon!' cried Saturn mentally. 'Throw it in! I'll catch it!'
'Liz!?' came the startled mental reply of Sailor Charon.
'Throw it in!'
'Okay!' Charon said mentally but hesitantly.
Charon crossed her fingers and threw the Star Scepter into the funnel. As soon as she did, she heard the other scouts yelling to let Pluto go. 'No! Not my sister!' Charon turned around and readied her beam. She saw Mars get knocked away and then she was boiling mad! "CHARON! SHADOW BEAM! BECKON!"
Her beam slammed into Lizzardo's head and it became pissed off. He let Pluto go and raced right at Charon.
Pluto got to her feet. "NO! CHARON!" she ran after the monster, knowing that she wouldn't get there in time.
Charon smiled at Lizzardo and then leaped over it when he got almost on top of her. She landed a few feet away and looked at the funnel. 'Hurry, Saturn!,' she thought.
Saturn saw her Star Scepter riding the funnel toward her. It was in her reach within minutes and she grabbed onto it. "SERENA!" she screamed so her cousin could hear her. "AIM YOUR MOON SCEPTER AT THE BASE OF THE FUNNEL! NEPTUNE, URANUS! HANG ON!"
Sailor Moon heard her and pulled out her scepter. "MOON...SCEPTER..." She then aimed it at the base of the funnel.
Saturn had hers ready to go. "STAR! SCEPTER..."
Both scepters' powers destroyed the funnel instantly. The four of them tumbled from the sky fast.
Saturn and Sailor Moon locked hands and then, Neptune and Uranus, creating a small circle. "Concentrate!" yelled Saturn over the rush of wind.
Saturn took all of the power the other scouts were giving off and she slowed their descent to the point that they landed safely on their feet on the ground. The four scouts them found themselves facing Lizzardo.
"Let's finish this!" said Sailor Moon, determined to spend much more time with her cousin.
"Mercury Bubbles..."
"Mars Firebird..."
"Jupiter Thunder..."
"Venus Meteor..."
"Saturn Powerbound..."
"Neptune Waterfall..."
"Uranus Tornado..."
"Earth Spirit..."
"Charon Shadow Beam..."
"Pluto Cyclone..."
"Moon Scepter..."
All the scouts glowed brightly as they finished their attacks.
The combined attacks destroyed Lizzardo and turned the monster into dust. Allure stood there, shocked. "No! My monster!"
Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon nodded to each other and his roses rammed into her like a thorn bush.
"AHHHHH!" she screamed.
Sailor Moon pulled off her tiara and it turned into a disk. "MOON! TIARA...MAGIC!" Her tiara ripped through Allure and she too turned into dust.
"We did it!" cried Sailor Earth and she and the other scouts cheered happily.
Tuxedo Mask went and stole a kiss from Sailor Moon. (As if she minded!) Saturn and Pluto talked among themselves.
It was over. The Sailor Scouts had won. They were now complete.