Where You Should Be If You're Not Here:(in some semblance of order)
Informative Pages
Hitoshi Doi's Sailor Moon Page:
The ultimate in comprehensive SM pages. Watch for spoilers. |
The SOS homepage!  If you haven't yet signed the petition to get
more SM episodes shown (and the movies too!), well.... what are you
waiting for?!  Also, SM info, contests, all kinds of stuff. |
The Sailormoon Pages:
Good comprehensive site |
Episodes online!  Says it all, don't it?  Neat stuff... |
Maybe I shouldn't give you this one...^_^; |
Fan Fictions
The Fan Fiction Database.  Use this to find fan fictions to read or review, or add your own! |
Reviews and links to other fanfics.  No, we won't be jealous. ;) |
Spoof Chase Productions: Well, this
site really doesn't have anything to do with Sailor Moon.  But it
does have some funny fan fiction.  Check it out for non-SM fun.
| The [sur]Real World:
What if the cast of MTV's The Real World were all from anime? 
Okay, again, not quite Sailor Moon related, but at least this one has
Mamoru (Darien for you US only viewers) in it.  Funny funny funny. |
Humor Pages
Remember the lesson at the end of the TV show?  Imagine it funny. |
The Mercury Hater's Page
I personally like Mercury, but you've gotta admit this page is funny.  Or at least I thought so... |
SM Homepages
A nice site
with all kinds of neat stuff.  An especially cool Multimedia and
Interactive section!  Quizzes, art galleries, and more.  |
Nice nice nice page with stuff galore.  Check out his backgrounds--
there are even some he's giving away! |
This site has all kinds of stuff. |
The Anime Web Turnpike.  This place has everything. 
One of, if not the best source for finding anime related anything on
the net and beyond. |
All the SM links you'd ever need...and more. |
Search for anime!  Over 8000 links! |
The Nexus
Bunches of SM links.  A good place to get yourself featured. |
I know, more links, but this page goes to some pretty cool places.  Like Transformers! (and SM stuff, of course) |